Thursday, November 4, 2010

Athletic Pay - Professional and College

If you read on, I have a short brief on professional athletes pay and then another brief on if college athletes should get paid. The information on professional athletes can be used for college athletes being paid because you can compare them to professionals.
TH believes professional athletes make too much money.
THW significantly decrease the amount of money that professional athletes make each year.
Sample model: Put a cap on the amount of money an individual professional athlete can receive in a year.  

Professional athletes make A lot of money. EXAMPLE: Today a player Tiger Woods or Schumacher gets around $1 per second of their time spend in the sports they love, something beyond imagination in the past. Statistics show that Tiger Woods made over $111,941,827 in 2007 alone. And if one looks at David Beckham, the salary goes to around $38.05 per second, one can only feel dizzy.
How are they able to make so much money? The individual teams pay so they can persuade the individual player to join their team. This creates competition in the sports world. Sponsors and fans spend a lot of money to provide the money for these athletes.
Professional Athletes Job Description: Training camp starts late July, Early August? They play pre-season, regular season, playoffs, (If teams make it).
Why is it this an issue? Most people think that the money professional athletes get is way too much compared to their job or compared to other jobs.
Above and beyond the issue of Athletes salaries, they receive signing bonuses. This is made up numbers, but along with the $5million they will receive that year, they will get $1million just signing the contract with that team.

1.       Money can be spent elsewhere in the economy.
2.       The athletes do not need that much money to live.
1.       Why should we limit the amount of money an athlete can get when we do not limit a lawyer from charging $500+ / hr. for their services?
2.       Athletes work for their pay more than people think.

THW pay college athletes.
Issue: College athletes are not being paid although they do the same thing as professional athletes do, they just do not make money for playing the sports. The college athletes make a lot of income for the school which most of the time goes into the whole sports budget for that college and not necessarily reflect back to the individual team that created those revenues. But think about what would happen if the more popular sports
NCAA WEBSITE (NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association)
Student-athletes are students first and athletes second. They are not university employees who are paid for their labor. 
The benefits of the student-athlete experience are many. Student-athletes graduate at a higher rate than the general student body. Most do so while playing the sport they love and preparing for a future as a professional in something other than sports. Many receive athletics grants-in-aid that can be worth more than $100,000. NCAA studies show that student-athletes enjoy high levels of engagement in academics, athletics and community; have positive feelings about their overall athletics and academic experiences; attribute learning invaluable life skills to being a student-athlete; and are more likely to earn similar or higher wages after college than non-student-athletes.
The biggest problem is Title IX. The US Department of Education, who enforces Title IX compliance, has made it clear that all student-athletes must have equal opportunities, perks, and compensation. Even if schools wanted to pay their football and men's basketball athletes, they have neither the money nor the desire to pay the ladies on the Field Hockey team or the gymnastics team or the swim team.
Read more:

1.       Players are entitled to some compensation because of the revenue they bring in and the risk of injury they face.
2.       The demand for the sport leaves little or no time for a job in college.
3.       The money that sports programs make should go back to those athletes rather than pay for the other sports at school.
4.       The money they get might encourage them not to leave college early because they are offered a place in professional teams.
1.       College athletes should not be paid because they are already getting paid through scholarships
2.       Paying athletes in college would make them not focus on their school work.
3.       Athletes already get a lot of free things in college like free room and board, some have free medical insurance, transportation, publicity, etc.


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